Tegan has decided that she is old enough to go to big college and last week spent every afternoon at Medicine Hat College, attending 'Fairies in Flight' course. She was very excited about going on the course and it was helped with her friend Harriet also going. So each lunchtime we set off for Medicine Hat with Tegan and Fraser in their car seats munching on their picnic lunches in order to get to the college for 1pm. As soon as we entered the classroom Tegan's eyes lit up as she could see lovely fairy things all around the classroom and with a swift dismissal to Fraser and myself she was off. Tegan's week was consumed with wearing tiaras, making fairy door signs, wands, wings, fairy games, stories and finishing the week off with a tea party and fairy cup cakes - that were very large with big swirls of sticky buttercream on top - which of course they all loved. So Fraser and I spent our afternoons either walking Jinx around Kin Coulee Park, walking aimlessly around Medicine Hat mall, which really isn't that exciting, or going swimming in a fab outside swimming pool by Strathcona Park. So Tegan is now planning what courses she can do next year at the college and she has decided that Fraser can do the Bob the Builder course.
As I mentioned above Fraser and I went to a great outside swimming pool in Med Hat with some other friends whilst Tegan was at college. Fraser just has no fear and although he sinks like a brick he just wants to go under water, jump in or preferably go on the slide that was at the deep end of the pool as many times as he could. However I was not allowed to catch him. So he would come whizzing down the slide make a huge splash, disappear, resurface and then bob back under at which point I then pulled him up again for him the to swim back to the side in order to climb out of the pool and do it all again. So up to this point I had Fraser who was a fish and Tegan who enjoyed swimming but please do not splash her face or get her underwater for anything. I have been encouraging Tegan to put her face underwater for the last year and a half but to no avail, even bribery has not worked. Chris then made an appearance on Saturday afternoon and as the temperature was 33degrees we quickly whisked him of to Med Hat for swimming. Fraser had great pleasure in showing Daddy how good he was on the slide, about 80 times!!! Tegan and I just played, until suddenly she wanted to go under the water with me which we did 3 times, she then went off and tried a few times on her own and before we knew it she was swimming under water - hallelujah. Then we couldn't get out of the pool and spent another 30 mins swimming with them both underwater. Tegan went to her swimming lesson on Monday morning and was immediately put up into the next group - she was very pleased with herself.
The weather has been gorgeous here with temperatures most days between 28 - 33 degrees - great you would think but all the mosquitoes have hatched and they are deadly. So much so I haven't taken Jinx for a walk for 2 days as the minute you step out of the house they are all over you. Chris didn't have to go into work on Saturday until 8am so I thought it would be good to go for a run at 6.30am - bad idea - I must have had over 30 bites on the backs of my legs and bottom which have steadily got more painful and not very pretty to look at. Apparently they should die soon - not soon enough.
Jinx is still very interested in gophers and rabbits but made an attempt at a fox the other day which I think she startled and they both went zooming across the prairie at 100mph, Jinx returned shortly after and soon collapsed in a heap at home.