That afternoon Ralston School Choir put on a carol service in the theatre which was brilliant and we again got to join in at the end with more carols, much to my delight as I do like the odd carol, not that I can sing. Friday night was also our Christmas party in the mess which was DJ for the guys and posh frocks for girls - although a little strange all dressed up and wearing my snow boots as it was minus something on the thermometer and snowing.
Sunday we had Tegan's birthday party - we decided to do it the weekend before her actual birthday as school finishes on the 18th and we want to drive up to Canmore so Tegan was happy to have a party and she then worked out she would get another tea party and cake on her actual birthday as well - its all about the cake. We must have been mad as we had 20 children for 2 hours but I did hire Sparkle Fairy to entertain the children although whilst she was face painting one child there were 19 others running around and screaming so as you can see below I know how to entertain children - wrap them up in toilet paper!
Chris has know finished work for four weeks so set off on Monday morning into Medicine Hat to do his Christmas shopping - a little worrying what he may have bought as Med Hat is not known for its designer shops! Before jumping into the car he did take a picture of the temperature this was taken about 9.30am - all week the temperature has been between -25 and -30 degrees but then today (Wed 16 Dec) I had to look twice as it was zero degrees - shorts & T shirts weather nearly!!!
As of Tuesday Chris decamped from Ralston and has gone to his bachelor pad for 4 days in Canmore, lounging in the outdoor hot tub, skiing at Sunshine Valley and out to supper with mates!!! Actually we decided that it would be a good idea if he went up earlier with all the children's presents and things that we would need. Luckily a friend has kindly lent me their second car so I will drive up on Friday with Tegan, Fraser and Jinx. So two more days in the village and that is it for 3 weeks along with our friends Andy & Sam and their children and dogs. I think most of Ralston village are actually going to Canmore and we already have several invites to other friends houses during the time there. Hopefully whilst in Canmore I will be able to update my blog with all our daily events - getting Tegan and Fraser on skis is going to be very interesting.
Chris, Tegan, Fraser and myself wish you all a very happy christmas and new year. Take care xx
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