Friday, February 5, 2010

Goal Scored ....

The White Devils had a game against the Orange Oilers (guys team) on Thursday night and I have finally scored my first goal, a great shot if I say so myself. Jill who plays centre took the drop and passed it to me and with a good whack in it went. It was a good match although the final score was 6 - 3 to the Orange Oilers but everyone played really well and we had a good group of girls supporting us - so lots of shouting! It was a brilliant feeling scoring so hopefully I will get lots more - I think I am finally understanding the game?

Friday morning I went into Tegan's school to do Fruity Friday - this is where a couple of mums go in and chop up lots of fruit to sell to the children for 50c each week. The school doesn't provide hot meals and their snack shop is basically muffins and candy - so Fruity Friday was started by two of the mums and has since grown in support. It turned out that it was also school assembly and Ken Merrit who was the Canadian soldier chosen to carry the Olympic torch for Ralston had come to talk to all the children. Ken gave a talk to the children during assembly and tried to answer all their questions, he was one of 12,000 Canadians lucky enough to carry the torch on its journey through Canada, finally ending at Vancouver. All the torch bearers were given the option to purchase the torch that they had carried for $400 each of course Ken took up the offer. After the assembly had finished Ken then visited all the grades and I luckily had my camera on me so all of Grade 1 (Tegan's class) got to have their photo taken holding the torch.

Chris has been in Phoenix, America all week playing golf with 6 other guys and by his telephone calls has had a great time, although a little tough as they have played 10 rounds of golf in 6 days!!!!! Hopefully photos will follow next week. He even got to stand on green grass wearing a t shirt - something that doesn't happen here at the moment as everything is just white, I think I remember what grass looks like!

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