Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Soooo Behind - 7 Weeks....

1st July Canada Day - We started off the morning going to Rod and Laura Keller's (Suffield Base Commander) house for breakfast, along with the rest of the village. They were great hosts serving up pancakes, bacon, sausages, maple syrup and other bits - what a great start to the morning. Luckily the sun was shinning which was great as breakfast was served in the garden with kids running around, lots of people dressed appropriately in red and white. After a couple of hours interval, allowing all the pancakes to go down, we set off to Medicine Hat to continue Canada Day celebrations at Kin Coulee Park along with Noo and her children. The weather really was great so we ambled our way round the park stopping and looking at the activities going on including a skateboarding competition which Fraser and Harry particularly liked, I think the girls also liked the young boys skating - very cool!

There was also a display of old cars that were in immaculate condition which we passed on our tractor ride. After an ice cream and snow cones and a bit more wondering round it was time to go home.

4 July Independence Day - our friend Karen (who is American) decided to hold a party to celebrate Independence Day. Most of the guys were out on the prairie but a couple made it and Chris managed to turn up for some cold hot dogs and beer (all that counts really). So yet again more eating and drinking - great fun. Karen organised some games for the kids but I think the big kids had more fun. There was egg throwing and spoon racing - however the eggs were not hard boiled - there were quite a few 'splats' going on. Fraser then joined in the rugby game along with some of the grown up boys (men) and had a fab time.

Days inbetween we went to the splash park in Ralston village which is great in the hot weather and easily passes the afternoon. Noo very kindly turned up with her bright pink chairs - which are very comfortable - although the kids thought they were for them?? not a chance.

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