Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Moving/Drag Racing/Sheila & Alex/General Fraser....

Monday 2nd May - The packers arrived. I cannot believe that it is our turn to move. During our time in Ralston you watch many removal vans arrive around the village and all of a sudden that truck turns up at 4 Detrick Avenue. Luckily the sun was shinning that day so perfect for the guys to be packing boxes and moving outside, especially as there isn't much room in our house when you add an extra 4 guys and lots of boxes. Although I had packed several boxes it still took them most of the morning to pack, along with quite a few coffee breaks. So with all our belongings on their way back to the UK we are living out of suitcases and the remaining army furniture which is very useful and making the whole process much easier. Slowly we are selling off all the extra things that we have bought whilst in Canada that will not work in the UK.

So with an empty house you would think I have lots of time on my hands, as usual my days fly by. There has been lots of 'socialising' over the last couple of weeks mostly around food and drink, but the summer seems to have arrived in Ralston along with the ever increasing swarms of mosquitos.
At the end of April Kindergarten mums were invited into school for a 'mothers day tea'. All the children had drawn pictures of their mummys and had to stand on stage and say what was special about their mummys. Fraser did a great picture and actually managed to stand on stage and speak, I am still suprised how shy he is when at school. We were then invited back to the classrooms for strawberries and ice cream.

This weekend we have had a fab time - 13 May. Friday night we all went Drag Racing. We didn't quite know what to expect. As we have learnt during our time in Canada most things are very laid back and children are well looked after, hence our entrance was $5 each for Chris and I and the children were free, along with being given stickers. The races started at 7pm so we took our places on the bleachers and watched in amusement as all sorts of cars lined up to race one another. There was everything from normal road cars, trucks & motorbikes (all with fast engines) to proper drag cars and even a hearse - hilarious. We left at 8.30pm although the races went on until 10pm - by this time the wind had increased and was a little cold, but great fun.

Saturday morning Chris was in work and I frantically got our house ready, made easier by not so many things in the house, as Chris's cousin Sheila and her husband had very kindly flown in from Vancouver for the weekend. Sheila and Alex arrived mid afternoon after landing at Calgary and driving down, they did remark at the lack of scenery whilst driving through the prairie. We had a great afternoon & evening catching up. Sunday morning after a lazy breakfast we all went to Echo Dale Park for a dog walk then returned for a Sunday late lunch. Vancouver Canucks were playing San Jose Sharks (ice hockey) for which Alex is a big canucks fan so Fraser was more than happy to watch the hockey. Unfortunately Alex and Sheila had to leave for the drive back to Calgary during the 3rd period, at the point of leaving the Canucks were loosing - luckily whilst driving the Cancuks scored 2 more goals and Alex was very happy. We had a wonderful 28hours together and very much appreciated their journey and effort to come and visit us before we return to the UK.

Mon 16 May - Kindergarten children have recently all been learning about transport and were set a task to build a mode of transport from boxes and there was to be a parade in the school gym. So Chris took the project to hand and with a small help from Fraser produced General Fraser's jeep. It was a great morning watching all the children walk around the gym with their different types of transport, lots of tanks funnily enough. After playing a few games in their boxes it was time to get on with some lessons. Fraser has mentioned how are we going to get his jeep on the aeroplane - haven't told him it is going to the recycling!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe the Canadian dream is nearly all over for you guys! :-) Where are you off to next? And will Chris's successor's wife be taking over blog duties?
