Saturday morning arrived and the village was yet again covered in more snow; approx another 10 centimeters had fallen. Not to be put off (we are in Canada you know) we shovelled our way to the car, loaded everything in and set off to Sylvan Lake, just outside Red Deer which was approx 31/2 hours away. The first part of the journey from here to Brooks was very gentle journey as the highway was littered with cars that had come off the road and into snow drifts. Slightly worrying when we saw a tanker overturned on the road, which by looking at it had only recently happened. So with plodding along very carefully we made our way up to Calgary and then North to Sylvan Lake. Friends Dave & Helen had very kindly invited us up to Sylvan Lake to go and watch the Red Deer Rebels against the Moose Jaw Warriors. We met Dave and Helen at Sylvan Lake where we put on our skates and had a go at skating on a frozen lake. So many times we have told Tegan and Fraser not to go near a frozen lake as it is dangerous, however, this was a bespoke area organised for skating; there we were encouraging them to skate and play hockey - how fab was this!!! It really was great, there were two areas that had been cleared for skating, along with people out on their skidoos whizzing across the frozen lake, guys in their fishing huts who had drilled holes in the ice to fish (who in their right minds would want to sit in a tiny tiny hut on ice trying to catch a fish!!??) the whole lake had an amazing community feel about it. So after a while skating and playing hockey - according to Fraser the boys won - we headed to Dave and Helen's house to drop off our bags.
Then it was into the cars for a 15 m
So back to Dave and Helen's and kids to bed whilst we sat up drinking and chatting until 2am - needless to say it was a slow start Sunday morning, Helen very kindly providing much needed bacon sandwiches. On the way home we called into Cross Iron Mills - a large indoor shopping mall in Calgary - Fraser wanted to look at skate boards - his new thing and is currently saving all his pocket money towards one - here comes the summer - as I write this it is -43degrees!!! A great weekend enjoyed with very good friends.

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